Prince Charming Lives!

Phyllis' books are designed to help you discover the tremendous amount of love you have within you and enable you to attract (or experience that you already have) the ideal partner with whom to share that love.  When you read these books, you will be able to clear blocks to love and intimacy, and feel like you deserve to have the relationship you truly want.

In her books, you will learn how to create the ideal relationship you have always wanted, recognize it if you already have it, and alleviate personal suffering in ALL relationships.

Prince Charming Lives! can help you with ALL of your relationship experiences.

Specifically, this book will teach you to:

•  Remove obstacles that keep Prince (or Princess) Charming hidden from view

•  Open your heart to more love

•  Create healthy, loving, supportive relationships

•  Release your subconscious blocks to greater intimacy

•  Determine your compatibility with current or potential partners

•  Transform troubled relationships into harmonious ones

•  Let go of relationships that no longer serve you.


"We all need light on our path when we are ready to change directions.  This book can be that beacon for those who are ready to change."

—Bernie Siegel, M.D., author, Love, Medicine & Miracles

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