Basic Truths About the Nature of Life

This 40-page, full-color, hand-sewn book leads a person from A-Z in their understanding of the metaphysical principles that underlie the true nature of life.  It is beautiful and uplifting, with its numerous full-page, breathtaking color photographs.

The book is designed to help people expand and acquire a deeper understanding and meaning to life.  A special healing energy is contained within the book that helps the reader easily let go of any resistance or blocks to more deeply integrating the information presented.

“Basic Truths” makes an excellent gift for someone already metaphysically oriented or even someone who is just now in the process of “waking up”—for whom this information may be new.

The book is normally $24.95 and is included free, as a bonus, within the Communications Breakthrough System.  We are making it available for $15.95 (36% off) so that more people may benefit from the beauty and wisdom that it has to offer.

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