Apparently, at this time in human evolution, there is a lot of "old baggage" and negativity from the past that needs to be cleared and transformed, in order for us to wake up to who we really are as spiritual Beings of Light and Love. This program includes clearing all the specific blockages that every human being seems to have, on this path of Self-realization.
The changes that will take place within you are subtle, yet very profound. There is no real, concrete measure in the physical universe of such changes. They are perceptible only by your intuition, your "sixth sense," rather than by your five physical senses.
The spiritual realm, or "4th dimension," is the realm of the unseen energy and consciousness that underlies the entire 3rd dimensional world. It is the energetic realm that allows you to feel awake, aware, and alive inside. It is the realm of faith, inner knowing, and trust—no matter what your physical senses may tell you.
From this clearing program, your own "spiritual authority" or "spiritual muscle" will increase, which means that you will become more powerful spiritually and more able to manifest what you want for yourself consciously, in your life. Yet, depending on which issues your soul has chosen for you to work on, these changes in your physical universe may not come right away.
If you only measure your progress by PHYSICAL changes that are made, then you are not allowing yourself to experience the 4th dimensional spiritual realm, and further work to clear your blocks to experiencing this wold be your next step. We all have the ability to be aware and awake on these subtle levels, and if you are not, it simply indicates what needs to be worked on next.
"The Spiritual Package" will definitely work for you if you give it time. However, it would be best, for now, to do it upon recommendation. Although you may want to develop yourself spiritually, it may be that you need to start clearing other fundamental issues first. Your issues are always "stepping stones," indicating the areas of blockage you need to address first—to help you get to a better place within yourself. And, all of the work you do with Phyllis has the underlying purpose of helping you to grow spiritually. So whether you choose to do "The Spiritual Package" or other types of sessions Phyllis offers, you will eventually achieve your goals in this area.
Here is what we will work on in the context of "The Spiritual Package":
1) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that keep the crown chakra from being open and fully functioning (e.g., "not knowing who you are as a spiritual Being," "fear of knowing who you are as a spiritual Being," "afraid of being too different from others if you were to know yourself as a spiritual Being," etc.)
2) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs about "God," (e.g., "anger at God," "disappointment with God," "frustration at not perceiving God's presence," "rebelling against God," or "turning away from God (or the Light)," "disbelief in God," "hatred of God," "denial of God," etc.)
Many of these types of beliefs and feelings are often buried deep in the subconscious and are not in our awareness. It is rare that most people walk around consciously hating or being mad at God, although some do. For most, there may be a positive outlook in the conscious mind, but the opposite energy may be lurking within the subconscious mind, and it is only with continued work, over time, that these deeper layers can be accessed and cleared.
3) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that keep the 6th chakra (the "third eye") from being open and fully functioning (e.g., "doubting yourself and your intuition," "distrust of others, or yourself," "fear of being duped," "being afraid to be who you are," "being afraid to see or know more than others," etc.)
4) Clearing specific instances of ritualistic type abuse—from this or past lives—where negative energetic things were done to you (e.g., curses, implants, "booby-traps," "repeater mechanisms," "energetic time bombs" that go off periodically to continue to mess you up in some way, etc.) to block you spiritually and keep you from being who you are as a spiritual Being. In addition, your own negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that attracted these experiences to you will be worked on and cleared.
5) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that cause the “Higher Mental Body” (the outer part of the energy field surrounding the physical body) to dysfunction or that have attracted any kind of damage to it (e.g., deep skepticism about the spiritual nature of life, any negative misconceptions about spiritual knowledge or understandings, etc.)
6) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that cause the “Spiritual Body” (the outermost part of the energy field surrounding the physical body) to dysfunction or that have attracted any kind of damage to it (e.g., “hatred of ‘spirituality’ due to past life traumas,” “feeling separate from your spiritual nature,” “hating yourself as a spiritual being because of all the trouble it has caused you in the past,” “disconnecting from your spiritual body to avoid such problems in the future,” “being afraid to be who you are as a spiritual Being,” etc.
7) Clearing specific negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that you have picked up over many lifetimes, over many eons, from the collective unconscious about knowing yourself as a spiritual Being (e.g., “I’m not safe being who I really am,” “People won’t accept me if I’m too different from them,” “I’m not safe here as a spiritual being,” “I’m not safe if I am too different from others,” “I must be like others at all costs… if I let myself be who I really am: a) people will oust me and not want me around; b) people will think I’m crazy; c) people will hate me; d) people will turn against me; e) I will be killed.
8) Clearing the belief in death as the “end” to life. Clearing fears around death, essentially the hold that death has on us. The belief in death as the end to life actually blocks our ability to know ourselves as a spiritual being. We become more identified with our 3rddimensional self, with our ego and personality, rather than our Higher Self, which is spiritually and energetically based.
9) Clearing all negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that cause the subtle hormonal/endocrine system, the subtle brain stem, and the subtle cerebrospinal fluid to dysfunction or be damaged in some way. These are key parts of the subtle anatomy that need to be “awakened” or “enlightened” to sustain a high degree of connection with one’s spiritual nature. These have gotten damaged or dysfunction from many years of neglect and unawareness, along with all the programs we humans have had that have denied our spiritual nature.
10) Clearing all negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that have attracted any kind of dysfunction or damage to the “soul body” (this is a 6thdimensional form, made of Divine essence, that is our connection to the Divine. It resides off to the left of the physical body, and when viewed clairvoyantly, is about 1-2’ high, cylindrical in shape, and appears to be made of “pearlescent light.” The more merged we are with our soul body, the more the qualities of our “Higher Self” dominate over our personality and the more spiritual Light we can hold within our Being.
11) Clearing “unknowable curse energy” on humankind that is keeping us all disconnected, at a very deep level, from our spiritual nature, and all the negative beliefs, feelings, and programs that have been built upon it over many lifetimes. This was placed on humankind many eons ago (approximately 13,000 years ago), as part of the experience of “Kali Yuga” (the “Age of Darkness” according to the ancient Vedic seers of India). For many eons, we have all been “tampered with” by Dark forces, at deep levels, and we are now learning to rise above and free ourselves from all such negative influences. It apparently is an integral part of the human journey toward Self-discovery and mastery. By freeing ourselves from what we are not, we learn to discover the truth of what we are.
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